Additional information

Start Date

Once a request for Website Maintenace is made. Please allow the minimum of 24-48 hours for your request to be reviewed to ensure we have all information needed before work begin.

Completion Time-Frame

Minimum completion time-frame is usually 3 to 7 business days depeding on what needs to be done.

What You Need To Provide

Details of the changes to be made, content and images/video for each page, clear instruction as to what you want to accomplish and how the final result should be.

Additional Requests Post Ordering

Maintenance services are billed per hour at an estimated time. Once an order has been placed any request made outside of what has initially been agreed on will attact additional billing, which is payble before the order is complete.

Website Maintenance


Regularly updating and maintaining your site is crucial to ensuring that your site is running at full capacity. Just like cars, websites require maintenance to operate properly. Properly maintaining your site helps to ensure site security, preventinh issues before they, improving content to ensure information delivered to your customer is current and more.


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